waste incinerator

每天更新 2020年1月7日

The result: Year after year, New Yorkers rely on rail, barge and trucks to ship trash to methane-producing landfills and toxin-emitting incinerators.

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CopenHill is expected to be a major tourist attraction, with people from all over the world hitting a waste incinerator that also happens to be a fun ski …

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Campaigners say they are prepared to take their fight to the courts after a controversial plan for an incinerator near Braintree was given draft …

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“Having a large scale incinerator available in Unit CWD will help provide a needed outlet for many of the potentially infectious waste materials …

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Ambitious plans to move Wales to a zero waste, net zero carbon economy by … It says the aim is 'not only to reach zero waste by 2050 but also to take … will also work with the UK government to explore the idea of an incinerator tax.

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Japanese government on Monday granted USD 301,755 to Holhudhoo Island of Noonu Atoll for the installation of a waste burning incinerator.

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